Click Through Reads #9: Slowly Reopening and Google Targeting Options

Welcome Click-Through-Readers to another week of marketing news.

As businesses continue to open up slowly, there are more areas popping up where I am seeing permanent changes from both COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter. I would argue that the tables at restaurants have never been cleaner, being sanitized before being seated. A hostess told me this weekend, “let me check that we have tables on the patio ready and sanitized before seating you.” I am seeing more businesses post about their policies for equal opportunity employment and having a more diverse leadership board.

This morning I listened in on a meeting from my husband’s company where they talked about candidate diversity while hiring in their industry, and gave specific breakdowns of race percentages within each department of their company. Some of those stats were disappointing, but they are only able to improve where they can recognize the need to.

Google has announced changes to their targeting options to prevent minorities from being excluded from employment, housing, and credit ads. These tidal shifts bring positive changes across the board. That is our top story this week. 

Top News

Google to prohibit demographic, zip code targeting for housing, employment, credit ads Employment, housing and credit advertisers will no longer be permitted to target or exclude their ads from being shown based on demographics — gender, age, parental status, marital status — or zip code. This will be rolling out in the US and Canada as soon as possible. This change comes after the COVID-induced recession that is impacting minority communities. 

Facebook Leads Center: Facebook is rolling out a new tool to manage leads. You’ll be able to see all the leads generated from Facebook lead ads as well as upload leads manually. You’ll be able to follow up via email with leads directly from the Leads Center. There is also an option to set up an automated email response when a new lead comes in. This is another new CRM feature in addition to the new marketing email feature we talked about in the last CTR issue.

News of a new online  jobs platform is something for companies targeting the construction industry to watch over the next few months. Trade Hounds, which aims to be the LinkedIn of the construction industry, announced today the close of its $3.2 million seed funding round. In the past LinkedIn and Indeed have failed to capture the demographic of “hard-hat-wearing workers” because these workers prefer to “show” their work through photos rather than through writing. Trade Hounds will be a place for these workers to communicate with others in their industries and showcase their skills. They can also seek advice and build their networks. The platform is set to launch this Summer and will make money by charging companies for access. There is no mention of an ad offering within the platform as of now. 

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