It’s important for HR to stay current with business trends because they significantly impact...
At JDM, we approach the employee lifecycle with the same transparency and commitment to excellence...
As a fully remote workforce, we need to be especially mindful in how we build our culture;...
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace – most of us understand its importance, but...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I’ve been thinking and talking about it a lot lately as...
The full spectrum of a company’s benefits and perks often goes unnoticed and becomes an...
I like to embrace the new year's fresh start as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection....
As we get ready for the New Year, I've been thinking about the past year and what I want to tackle...
Even if you're not currently on the job hunt, now is the perfect moment to enhance your resume and...
Building team morale is essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. High...
I recently participated in a conference where one of the sessions focused on eNPS (Employee Net...
I’m still in amazement that Jordan Digital Marketing was named a finalist for the 2023 Google...
Q4 can be a stressful time for many businesses, and marketing agencies feel the heat as much as...
Looking for a job can be rough. There’s so much advice out there on what to include or not include...
Work-life balance is always an important topic, but it’s been on everyone’s mind lately. Candidates...
Unlimited PTO is one of the best corporate benefits out there. With summer approaching, “Are you...
Nearly three years removed from the DEI reckoning of summer 2020, when George Floyd and #BLM were...
If you last chatted about HR a decade ago, you likely think HR pros are all about compliance,...
The end of an employee’s lifecycle is not a fun topic. It’s brutal at worst and uncomfortable at...