JDM Blog

Covering the latest news, trends, and insights for Paid Media, SEO, Content Marketing, and remote work.

SGE Ads Are Inevitable. What Do We Need to Know?

Search generative experience (SGE) is coming to Google – it’s currently in beta and evolving on a...

5 Wacky Ways We’ve Built Morale at JDM

Building team morale is essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. High...

TikTok's New HubSpot Integration: What It Means for Lead Gen

We’ve been on the offline conversion tracking (OCT) bandwagon for a while now – the practice helps...

2024 Paid Media Predictions

The end of a change-packed year is a great time to take a breath and check our crystal balls for...

2024 SEO Predictions

AI, SGE, and ChatGPT have combined to elicit more client questions about the future of SEO than...

How to Build Empathetic Partnerships Using Client Personas

In the world of client services, it’s critical to remember that our client partners have their own...

AI Creative in Performance Max: What to Know for B2B

Google recently announced that it will be rolling out new AI features for all advertisers in the US...

3 SEO Takeaways from Our Recent Webinar with Compose.ly

Director of SEO Kelly Ayres had plenty to say in a recent Q&A with content writing leaders...

New Search Themes on Performance Max: Worth a Shot for B2B?

Google recently launched a beta with Performance Max campaigns that lets you use “search themes” as...

What Marketers Should Know about CP4M, Meta's New AI-Powered Conversation Platform

Meta advertising is crushing it these days (check out their Q3 earnings call). A couple of weeks...

Mobile SEO: 5 Best Practices in 2024

Reels Ad Updates, Fall 2023: A Closer Look from a B2B Lens

Last month, Meta added new Reels ads features to help improve performance of ad creatives by making...

Five Ways We Build Employee Morale at JDM

I recently participated in a conference where one of the sessions focused on eNPS (Employee Net...

LinkedIn Reintroduces Sponsored Message Ads

Sponsored messaging returns

TikTok, Google Search Partnership? What to Know

TikTok is continuing to push towards positioning itself as a social media platform and a search...

Microsoft Rolls out Advertising Product Updates in Advance of Q4

Advertisers angered by this week’s reports of Google’s artificial inflation of auction prices (and...

Streamlining Paid Team Agendas With Automation and Organization

Well-organized client calls are at the heart of any successful paid advertising team. The moments...

Google Ads Introduces Demand Generation Beta: What to Know

In October, Google will formally roll out Demand Gen campaigns to all advertisers. 

Keys to Good Advertising Account Analysis

Digital advertising requires a deft hand to stay on top of all initiatives across your media mix...

Reddit Announces Targeting, Measurement Updates

Good news for tech brands with audiences that skew male: Reddit has launched a couple of promising...