Click Through Reads #44: iOS 14.5 and Microsoft Paid Advertising

Hello Click-Through-Readers! Unless you live under a rock (no judgement) you've already heard about Apple releasing the iOS 14.5 update that changes tracking forever. There have been several articles in Click Through Reads about this update as we prepared for the major product update. This is the week where it finally released and our top story covers the details — including some of Facebook’s additional prompts for users. 

Our other top story is a full breakdown of new Microsoft paid advertising opportunities, specifically those as a result of the pandemic. There are some very cool ones such as Tours and Activities Ads which are not available on Google. 

In other top news we cover the new LinkedIn data analytics platform, called LinkedIn Sales Insights, as well as the Roku standoff with Google, updates to Google’s Target CPA bidding strategies, new TikTok ad formats, and more.

Let’s get into the news!

Apple Rolls Out iOS 14.5

On Monday, Apple released iOS 14.5 which includes the new App Tracking Transparency updates. Apps are required to ask users for tracking permission outside of the app via a prompt. This will allow users to easily decline which will affect things like retargeting and conversion tracking. 

As this will have a large impact on Facebook advertising, Facebook is rolling out an additional prompt to provide additional context to try to help users understand what they’re opting-in or out of. If you’re a Facebook advertiser, make sure to follow the instructions in your account to make sure everything is in place so you don’t end up with ads getting paused.

Microsoft unveiling new paid advertising opportunities

In response to consumer behavior changes as a result of the pandemic, Microsoft Advertising has created new opportunities for advertisers to create rich experiences across the decision journey to help brands stand out.

  • Multimedia ads - offers exclusive space to appear on the mainline and right rail. Ads are created from images provided through Image Extensions or suggested from stock images.
  • Video extensions - helps advertisers stand out in the search results, engaging customers in the widely used video format
  • Automotive Ads - showcase vehicle inventory in real time. Latest price is always reflected based on your feed.
  • Tours and Activities Ads - Unique to Microsoft Advertising. Inspire people to book trips with photos, reviews and more. Powered by AI and do not require keywords.
  • Property Promotions Ads - Influence trip planners with visual ads that appear in the top 2 slots on the hotel grid in Microsoft Bing Maps. 

People that are exposed to Search and Native ads on the Microsoft Audience Network are 2.6 times more likely to visit a brand’s site and 3.5 times more likely to convert. Microsoft Ads is improving their Audience Network by expanding it to include features focused on engaging consumers while ensuring your ads show up in brand - safe environments.

  • Video Ads - Consumers are expected to watch videos online for more than 2 hrs per day this year. Reach an audience of 300M users w/ 6-120 sec videos.
  • A Stock Image library - provides advertisers access to more than 300M free images.
  • Facebook Import - Reach an expanded audience and import up to 10,000 campaigns for each account and customize. 

Read more at the Microsoft Advertising Blog.

LinkedIn launches data analytics platform: LinkedIn Sales Insights (LSI)

Last week, LinkedIn launched a new, data analytics platform: LinkedIn Sales Insights. The new platform will offer clear visibility into account performance using raw data at scale and real-time insights from more than 700 million members on the social network. LSI will allow sellers to be able to identify potential opportunities, source new accounts, hone in on target audiences with customer segmentation, generate reports with specific delineations, and strategize with people-sourced, real-time data. As virtual selling continues to become increasingly important, this new platform will help strength the buyer-seller relationship and gives sellers the ability to unlock more opportunity and plan more confidently.

Snap Signals Big Growth in Q2

Snapchat CEO Jeremi Gorman claimed the company “will continue to invest in goal-based bidding and pixel-based conversions” after the number of active advertisers on the platform doubled last year. Snapchat plans to continue to improve user experience and prove return on investment to attract even more advertisers to their platform, as well as ongoing investments in augmented reality. 

Roku Could Lose Youtube TV in Standoff with Google

As Roku and Google negotiate a contract renewal for Youtube TV, Roku accused Google of favoring its own products and trying to force Roku into accepting anti-competitive and discriminatory terms. As a result, if no agreement is reached, the Youtube TV app could disappear from Roku devices. Roku’s allegations come amid a series of antirust investigations into Google. While smaller than Google, Roku currently controls nearly 45 percent of set-top box viewing time.


Google is rolling tROAS and tCPA into existing bidding strategies. Advertisers will now only be able to enable tCPA with a Maximize Conversions strategy, and tROAS for a Maximum Conversion Value strategy.

Nothing will change in terms of bidding functionality. If selecting smart bidding strategies, it’s recommended to remove as many constraints as possible to give the bid automation a single, clear goal to optimize toward.

Your day just got a little easier with Google Assistant's 5 new features

Google Assistant can make your day-to-day easier with five new features that Google introduced on April 14.

  • Can’t remember where you last had your phone?

Opt in to receive notifications and alerts for your iPhone from the Google Home app. When you can’t find your phone, you’ll get a notification and hear a custom ringing sound--even if your phone is on Do Not Disturb or silent mode. 

  • Have you set your routine?

Available globally, set routines based on your location. You can schedule routines or start it any time with a set command. If you say, “Hey Google, good morning,” Assistant can take your phone off silent mode, provide details about the day such as calendar and commute, and adjust your thermostats, lights and more. 

  • Trying to build a routine?

Need routine ideas or help changing your current routine? Google has included a dedicated section in Ready-Made Routines to highlight popular “suggested actions'' to inspire you.

  • Ordering food for a night in?

Over the past year more restaurants have been adding the “order” button to their Google Business profiles for quick food delivery and pickup. Order food with just a few steps using Assistant. After you finish completing your online order, Assistant will navigate the site and automatically fill out your contact and payment details saved in Google Pay and synced to Chrome Autofill.

  • Looking for the inside scoop?

Get the latest update and inside scoop from your Google Assistant: All you have to do is ask. Try asking, “Hey Google, who’s nominated for Animated Feature Film at the Oscars?” to hear the list of nominees. Want to hear some red carpet  predictions? Ask something such as, “Hey Google, who do you think is best dressed at the Oscars?” 

TikTok’s New Ad Formats Coming

TikTok announced a few new eCommerce focused ad formats to further compete with the options available from other social platforms. 

Collection Ads - This format will include branded videos with cards that can feature specific products that drive to a landing page. You can set the products featured in cards through a pre-set product catalog.

Dynamic Product Ads - This format will automatically retarget users with relevant products based on what they’ve viewed or interacted with on a brands website or app.

Promo Tiles - Customizable cards that highlight sales or promos that can be added to infeed ads.

Showcase Tiles - Cards that promote several products in one ad video. Each contains a product thumbnail and link to a specific landing page.

Google Ads Simplifies Audience Exclusion Lists

On Friday, April 16, 2021 - Google Ads announced the launch of Dynamic Exclusion Lists. The existing controls for targeting & excluding audiences include blocking websites, specific topics, or various content from showing up with the Google ads. The new feature will help make the process more simplified, advertisers can use dynamic exclusion lists so they can be updated more regularly. Google states that these lists can be updated by the advertisers or a third party they trust. Once they upload the list, they can set automatic updates as new web pages are added. 

Google Rolling Out Option to Apply Recommendations Automatically

In response to user feedback that it is too time-consuming to apply recommendations manually, Google is making it possible to auto-apply their recommendations.

You can choose from 17 recommendations to automatically apply. You can change these selections or opt out of them at any time. You can monitor the changes that were automatically made under the History tab.

If you opt in, Google will not increase your budget. To opt in, click “Auto Apply” on the top right hand corner of the recommendations page.


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