JDM Blog

Covering the latest news, trends, and insights for Paid Media, SEO, Content Marketing, and remote work.

You Can Now Import Google Conversion Goals into Bing - Why It Matters

Microsoft just announced that their Ads interface will now allow advertisers to import Google conversion goals into Bing.

Google's "People Also Consider" Brand Ads: What to Know

Oh, Google…always dropping little surprises into the SERP. The latest (example below) on the paid...

LinkedIn In-Stream Video Ads: What to Know

LinkedIn has announced that they’re going to expand their video asset capabilities, rolling out a...

YouTube to Test Hyperlinking Keywords

In July, word got out that YouTube was testing a new feature for hyperlinking keywords that will...

LinkedIn Generative AI in New Ads: What to Know

It seems like every ad platform is scrambling to offer Generative AI functionality. LinkedIn...

3 Quick QA Checks to Dial in Your B2B Mobile Ads

B2B Marketing is experiencing a shift in how users purchase products online. 2023 will be the first...

GA4 FTW: Enhanced Measurements Include Retargeting-Friendly Option for Form Interactions

Marketers are still getting their heads around the capabilities of GA4; even those who have...