Elise Beaulieu - JDM Impressions

Working remotely, like we do at JDM, doesn’t mean being disconnected from colleagues. As part of our culture-building initiative, and to introduce the digital marketing world to our awesome team members, we regularly peel back the curtain on the lives of JDMers. This week, we’ll get to know SEO Manager Elise Beaulieu!

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Name: Elise Beaulieu

Position: SEO Manager

Location: Charleston, SC

Elise Beaulieu SEO Manager

When did you begin working at JDM?

March of 2024.

How did you know JDM was the right fit for you?

I knew from the first interview with Sonja (on the HR team), who explained JDM to me and made me so comfortable expressing my excitement for SEO to her. Then meeting the SEO team and understanding how the team works together, the respect they each give to one another, the passion they each have for SEO – it all just made so much sense that it was the right place for me.

What’s your favorite part of the workday?

My favorite part of the workday is diving into data analysis and strategy development. I enjoy using analytics tools, uncovering insights, and creating actionable SEO plans to improve our clients' online presence.

What’s the most gratifying part of working with your clients? 

The most gratifying part is seeing tangible results from our efforts. When we implement SEO strategies that drive organic traffic, improve search rankings, and ultimately increase conversions for our clients, it's incredibly rewarding to know that we're making a meaningful impact on their business growth.

In a remote company, how do you stay connected with your team?

Usually via Slack – sending messages about something funny that happened or checking in on how a vacation went. It’s also nice to schedule 1:1s with team members to catch up and work on accounts at the same time.

What three words would you use to describe the JDM culture?

Collaborative, Motivating, Flexible

What's something you love about JDM?

I love that everyone is clearly recognized for how hard they work. Nobody’s hard work goes under the radar and everyone is incredibly collaborative, working together to reach client goals.

Can you recall a time when JDM challenged you, and how we supported you through that time?

JDM has a lot of clients in the technical field, which requires specific knowledge of topics that wouldn’t normally be familiar to me. Luckily, our team is incredibly understanding and helpful. All I need to do is ask questions and I’ve always been met with a kind response/explanation. This is helping me grow not only as an SEO pro but in general.

What’s the best thing you’ve done with your unlimited PTO? 

I’ve only been here two months, so at the moment I’m trying to keep time off to a minimum. However, I did travel back to my hometown in New Hampshire for my best friend’s wedding and I’m very appreciative that I was able to attend despite being new to the company.

What's something you love about the marketing industry?

I love that it allows so much creativity. Marketing is a great path for those of us who think outside of the box rather than staying black and white; creative minds can really thrive.

What do you think has been the most interesting change in the marketing industry or in your channel this year?

One of the most interesting changes this year has been the growing emphasis on user experience as a ranking factor in search engines. Google's Core Web Vitals update has highlighted the importance of page speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall user experience, leading to a shift in SEO strategies towards optimizing for user satisfaction.

What digital marketing platform, technology, or skill do you see gaining the most traction in the next 1-2 years, and why?

I see AI-driven marketing tools gaining the most traction in the next 1-2 years. AI-powered solutions for content generation, personalization, and automated optimization are becoming increasingly sophisticated, offering marketers powerful tools to streamline processes and deliver targeted campaigns at scale. However, business owners will need to be very wary of using these tools and each AI tool should always be followed up by human adjustments. 

What is the name and age of your furbaby?

Stella is my 7- (almost 8-) year-old yellow labrador retriever. She is my best friend and I am grossly obsessed with her. She is very happy that we moved to South Carolina and can go to the beach whenever she wants.

Stella by the sea       Stella at sunset

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