JDM Blog

Covering the latest news, trends, and insights for Paid Media, SEO, Content Marketing, and remote work.

Instagram Is Testing Unskippable Feed Ads: Should You Try Them?

Meta is testing a new ad format within Instagram that serves users a main feed ad video before they can scroll further. These in-feed ads come with a timer and can't be skipped, similar to some YouTube ads. Of course, there are two sides to this coin: while we get increased ad exposure for brands, the new format might upset users who find mandatory viewing intrusive.

Google TV Ads Are Here – Are They a Big Deal?

YouTube TV hit 8 million subscribers in February 2024, which gives Google a nice incremental...

Mobile Video Ad Creative: 3 Optimization Reminders

We’ve all got a list of creative best practices in our pockets. But with the fast-moving landscape...

SGE Ads Are Inevitable. What Do We Need to Know?

Search generative experience (SGE) is coming to Google – it’s currently in beta and evolving on a...

You Can Now Use YouTube Shorts for Awareness. Should You?

YouTube Shorts, which launched last year, has gotten an upgrade; Google recently announced fresh...